Battling Bidenomics: Get the latest on our fight against bad economics.

Bidenomics on the ground: How Inflation is hurting Pennsylvania

August 19, 2024

Over the last three years, Americans across the country are paying up to 20% more than in 2021 for the same basket of groceries at the store. Due to 40-year record high inflation, Americans are now having to make difficult choices between filling up their grocery cart or filling their car with gas.

Americans For Prosperity knows your pain.

That’s why we took it to the streets and held an event at Sprankles (a local grocery chain) in Pennsylvania to help folks understand why basic goods like groceries have become unaffordable.

AFP Pennsylvania was on the ground talking with Pennsylvanians about how their Senator, Bob Casey, voted for all of Joe Biden’s disastrous “Bidenomics” bills that have made inflation run rampant.

The most common concern during our event? How unaffordable life is.

“Grocery prices are just astronomical. I went to the grocery store the other day and came up with five little bags and it was $98, and I didn’t even have everything I need” said Debbie, a local resident.

Inflation is making it difficult for Traci to buy necessities for her granddaughter “Formula, diapers, everything, is very expensive, and these are necessities you can’t live without these things”, Traci told us.  

Watch the video to learn more about our grassroots movement that’s fighting for American prosperity.

Americans deserve an economy that helps them prosper. Not one that makes their lives more expensive. We need Washington politicians who stop reckless spending so we can ensure rampant inflation never rises its ugly head again.