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Tammy Baldwin: Wisconsin’s Bidenomics Cheerleader

August 6, 2024

Senator Tammy Biden—sorry, that’s Tammy Baldwin, it’s easy to confuse the Wisconsin senator with Joe Biden, as they agree on almost all economic policies.  Even with Biden on the way out, senators like Baldwin seem dedicated to continuing his legacy of misguided policies.

  • Tammy Baldwin has made no apologies for the fact that she has voted with Joe Biden no less than 95.5% of the time.
  • She has described the Biden presidency as “one of the most successful administrations in generations.”
  • In 2021, she voted for Biden’s optimistically titled “American Rescue Plan,” which even economists within the Democratic Party knew would worsen inflation.
  • She also supported other Biden spending bills such as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act ($1.2 trillion), and the CHIPS act ($280 billion).
  • Altogether, Baldwin has enabled the Biden Administration to push through over $6  trillion in reckless spending.

In 2022, she voted for the even more absurdly titled “Inflation Reduction Act,” which cost the American taxpayer $1.2 trillion and did nothing to get prices down. 

Tammy Baldwin’s economic mismanagement has hit Wisconsinites especially hard. 

Thanks to the irresponsible government spending Baldwin supported, Wisconsinites now need $11,676 per year more to  maintain the same standard of living as they did in 2021.

The impact of this legislation has hit Wisconsinites especially hard. In 2022, just a year after the American Rescue Plan got passed, median wage growth in Wisconsin was even more sluggish than the rest of the country, at just 8.01%. With an average inflation rate of 8% that year, the economic progress that Wisconsin workers labored so hard to achieve was effectively wiped out.

Those at the bottom of the income ladder have been hardest hit, as in that same period, the poverty rate in Wisconsin fell at 1/6 the rate of the rest of the country. Thanks to Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsinites’ incomes fell even further behind in the race against inflation.

Following this economic blunder, Tammy Baldwin supported the introduction of the “Inflation Reduction Act,” which was sold as the silver bullet to curb inflation.Despite its name, since its passage, prices in Wisconsin have climbed by an eye-watering 18.8%. What’s more, according to an estimate from Goldman Sachs, the act’s green energy subsidies will cost American taxpayers $1.2 trillion, further exacerbating the economic pressures that people are feeling.

It’s worth noting that this act was itself a shrunken down version of the even more financially irresponsible “Build Back Better Act” which Baldwin also supported. Mercifully, this was blocked at the Senate.  We can only imagine how much worse the cost of living crisis would be if it had passed in its original form.

Baldwin is also in lockstep with Biden when it comes to her excuses for the government’s failure on inflation. “Greedflation” is the term she, and other Washington politicians made up to dodge the blame for rising prices. The idea is that inflation isn’t caused by the government overspending and printing money, but rather by “greedy corporations.”

Somehow, Baldwin does not appear to be embarrassed for delivering such a childish explanation. Are corporations “greedy?” Well, they need to turn a profit, if that’s what she means. But that was just as true when inflation was lower. What changed? Was there a sudden surge in greed? Were corporations somehow feeling more generous when there was a Republican in the White House? Of course not.

What really causes price inflation? 

Prices are not determined by how greedy corporations are feeling at any given moment, but by simple supply and demand. If the government pumps more dollars into the economy to pay for their bloated spending bills, then the supply of money has increased, and so the value of each dollar falls.

It’s hard to find a stauncher supporter of Biden’s failed economic policies (and his bad excuses) anywhere. If you are a fan of Biden’s America, with all the inflation, taxation, stagnation, and Washington-knows-best central planning that entails, then you should also be a fan of Tammy Baldwin.