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Rosen’s Fake Inflation Fighting: Nevada Pays The Price

August 6, 2024

Nevadans have  been hammered by inflation, making everyday expenses increasingly difficult to manage. The numbers paint a stark picture. From January 2021 to June 2024, the average Nevada family has had to spend:

  • $3,817 more on food
  • $6,369 more on housing
  • $5,465 more on energy
  • $10,598 more on transportation 

How did Senator Rosen help create the cost of living crisis?

Nevada Senator Jacky Rosen has helped the Biden Administration pass bill after bill, each sold to the American people under the guise of fighting the cost of living crisis. These include:

  • American Rescue Plan
  • Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
  • CHIPS Act
  • Inflation Reduction Act

All in all, Rosen voted with Biden’s agenda no less than 93% of the time. So what gives? Why isn’t the inflation problem solved?

The very first line on the page about the Inflation Reduction Act offers a clue:

“The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) represents the United States’ biggest investment to date in fighting climate change.”

It turns out that it doesn’t matter what you call a spending bill, it’s still a spending bill. You can call it the “Inflation Reduction Act” all you want, and it’ll still be a $1.2 trillion boondoggle that is more about pushing the Democrat’s agenda on climate than actually addressing costs for Americans.

Whatever your views on the climate, we can all agree that legislation should not be deceptively sold to the American people.

If Jacky Rosen wants to get Nevadans on board with the Biden Administration’s climate policy, she should do it honestly, not pretend that the ideological spending bill she’s supporting is really about fighting inflation—especially when she was on board with massively more expensive, House-passed Build Back Better Act.

Worse than doing nothing to fight inflation, spending bills like these actively contribute to the problem. Big spending bills like these inevitably mean big deficits. By injecting more money into the economy, these bills increase the money supply without a corresponding increase in goods and services, leading to inflation.

Adding the $1.2 trillion price tag for green energy subsidies from the Inflation Reduction Act to the American Rescue Plan ($1.9 trillion), the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act ($1.2 trillion), and the CHIPS act ($280 billion) comes to a total of $4.58 trillion out of the pockets of honest American taxpayers for these acts alone.

Remember: with every dollar the government spends, it’s bidding for goods and services against your dollars. The inevitability of an increase in prices should be obvious to anyone paying attention, but it’s seemingly not for Senator Rosen.

The only question that remains is whether Rosen is unaware that these bills allegedly designed to address inflation are in reality just massive spending bills that are making it worse, or whether she knows, and is actively participating in the deception. The fact that Rosen has praised the Inflation Reduction Act as “our nation’s largest investment in climate action” strongly suggests the latter.